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2020. 2. 20. 00:36카테고리 없음

Cd /etc/mail/certsopenssl dsaparam 1024 -out dsa1024 -out dsa1024.pem(It will ask you various questiosn, just enter them accordingly, likecountry code, for Pakistan its PK, and other information you have)openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey dsa:dsa1024.pem -out /etc/mail/certs/mycert.pem -keyout /etc/mail/certs/mykey.pem(It will ask you various questiosn, just enter them accordingly, likecountry code, for Pakistan its PK, and other information you have)openssl req -x509 -new -days 3650 -key /etc/mail/certs/mykey.pem -out /etc/mail/certs/mycert.pem. UPDATED: 10th JUNE, 2013 Following is a short reference guide for DMASOFTLAB Radius ManagerPart- 1) Installation Of RM with some TIPS,Part- 2) Complete Backup for RM and RM DB,Part- 3) Restore RM Data to new Installation.PERSONNEL NOTE:Please note down that you can get betterinstallation instructions in detail from DMASOFTLAB official manual.This guide is a extracted version of original manual. Please consultwith the original manual and dma helpdesk for official support. I haveno affiliation with the DMA, its just my personnel experience you areseeing in this guide. It can be wrong, or might not be working as peryour requirements. Just drop me an message or email for any correctionor pointing./install.shNow the install script will ask few questions.

/usr/local/etc/raddb/sql.conf↓ ↓2#:Blank page is showing while accessing admin.phpIf you see blank page while accessing admin.php, following could be wrong.a- Your license files are not valid or expired.b- you have not installed ioncube library correctly.To test if your license is valid, tail the /var/log/apache2/access.log and error.log, they will show you if your license have issues like expired or invalid dueto mac address restrictions.To test IONCUBE LIBRARY, Open Terminal and Type. Gzip -f /backup/dbfulltypecurrentdate.sql(Tip# To unzip the. Gz file, use gzip -d filename.gz )Part-3 # Restore Backup If somehow your server crashes, and you got to re-built it fromscratch, you can restore the database using below procedure. (Tosimplify things, use the same OS)1) Install OS (Same as previous one, in this example Ubuntu)2) Install RM with the same same config you used for previous installation, e.g: radius db passwords and folders locations3) Restore all the folders from the backup to there original locations.(backup that taken in part-2 backup part)4) Now its time to restore mysql radius DB, use the below command to restore DB in mysql. Define('maillocaldomain', ''); // default domain nameNow configure some settings in ACP / Systems / Ssytem Settings↓HOWTO REPLACE/MODIFY DMASOFTLAB RM LOGO and TEXT!!!

You can Replace/Edit the default DMASOFTLAB logofiles. By default, Images are available where you have installed theradiusmanager. Look into the images folder of radiusmanager.For example I installed RM in /var/www/html/radiusmanager. There will be a folder name ‘images’ Look for these files.dmalogosmall.gifradmanlogosmall.gifmain101.gifmain102.gifmain103.gifemailheader.gif↓Edit Various Text/headings Show at UCP/ACP You can also edit the texts/descriptions in language description files in r adiusmanager/lang/english folder.look for texts.txt and strings.txt↓To Add Logo in Prepaid Cards You can modify its base image at radiusmanager/lang/english/card folder.look for classicbg.png and refillbg.pngMore info, you can look atTo be continued.Allah Hafiz.Regard’sSyed Jahanzaibaacable at 14 Votes Article by Syed Jahanzaib DMASOFTLAB Radius Manager have a very nice feature of SMS notification for New Account Activation Message, New Account Activation Verification Code / Password Recoveryand many other cool functions that can be done using this feature,however activating it is a bit complex thing to do.

As radius managersupplies clickatell HTTP gateway API with there default installation,and I really didn’t wanted to purchase the clickatell account because itwould be expensive for any mid-large size network, even a small networkwouldn’t want to pay extra amount. So I decided to create my own HTTPgateway which is connected with my GSM Modem. Following is the completeguide on how you can create your own SMS HTTP GATEWAY.Once you have a working HTTP gateway, you can move on to RM configuration section.Howto configure API to make it work with your Local SMS HTTP gateway. Login to your RM box using terminal.Open the api.php file bynano /var/www/radiusmanager/api/api.php(Change the path if you have RM installed at some other folder)Now remove all lines and replace them with the following.(Change the $apiuser to match your kannel config). 10 VotesScenario # We have created 512k service for the users, In latenight, our bandwidth is usually not much used because only limitednumber of users uses the internet in late timings. 11 VotesDMASOFTLAB Radius Manager 4.0.4have interesting feature of email notifications for various events likeaccount expiry warning, account renewal notification, send custom emailto all users, password recovery via email verification code and manymore.

By default RM uses authentication less smtp server of your ISP,but in most cases Email sent from the RM box arrives in JUNK/SPAM folderin users email box, and sometimes bounces back due to black listed IP’s. This happens very frequent in my country as we widely use nationaltelecom company internet service called PTCL, whoseip’s usually get blocked by many email services. Therefore I createdthis method by installing SENDMAIL in RM box, and uses my GMAIL accountas SENDMAIL SMTP RELAY. This way RM sends mail via localhost, which uses valid GMAIL account to send email and email arrives in users INBOX directlyFirst we need to configure sendmail with gmail smtp relay. Use the below link to install.After you have verified your smtp server is working fine by sending test email to your Hotmail/gmail/yahoo mail account.You need to edit the following files./etc/radiusmanager.cfg/var/www/radiusmanager/config/systemcfg.phpSAMPLES:/etc/radiusmanager.cfg. Following is a my personnel experience / Guide on Howto configure a mini ISP type Network using following scenario.Recently I was contacted by a friend who was really passionate in starting a mini- ISP type network setup for about 3000 users in the interior area of city. (soon it may expand up to 5000+users). He asked my help to setup a scratch card base fully automaticsystem where user purchase scratch card, & using User self careportal web site, user may create his new ID or refresh his previous IDor change the service package according to the card package offers.

Ihad previously setup this kind of scenario in a environmentusing Mikrotik built-in radius server called ‘ User Manager’, but it have very limited basic features and all it can offer was a pre- paidtype option and it doesn’t have many accounting features. So I thought Ishould give a try to more rich feature radius server and after a lot ofgoogling i decided to go with ( FREERADIUS base ) DMASOFTLAB RADIUS MANAGER. A very famous radius server with all the option that a mini-ISP would required at unbelievably low price.The hardware that I have used for this setup.Main Mikrotik = v4.17 x86 / Xeon 3.6Ghz Dual / 2 GBRam / WD 500 GB Sata Hdd, This MT is serving as a PPPoE Server + NAT +bandwidth shaping. Add action=disk disabled=no prefix=' topics=warningFor General Mikrotik configuration, Please read the following post.For User ip redirection to SQUID configuration in Mikrotik, Please read the following post.For FTP queue exemption in Mikrotik, Please read the following post.2) SQUID SERVER CONFIGURATION using UBUNTU 9.1 Karmic Koala SQUID Server have two lan cards.One is connected with ISP WANOther is connected directly with Mikrotik with cross over cable.I used the following script to share the basic internet. Just copy all contents in any file, for example /etc/squid/fw.shand paste the following content in it.

Maxfiledescriptors 8192For Basic Internet Sharing on Linux, please read the following post.For basic SQUID configuration, Please read the following post.For fine tuned squid.conf, Please read the following post.For ZPH configuration in squid, Please read the following post. (Todeliver cache content to user in full lan speed, exempt cache contentfrom queue)3) RADIUS MANGER CONFIGURATION using FEDORA 10 The Real Giant:pMANAGER Version 3.9INSTALLATION MANUAL © DMA Softlab LLCThisRM installation guide is a shorter version, copied from DMASOFTLAB RMoriginal manual. I edited it and cut off all un-necessary paragraphswhich are not required for basic installation and added some info of mypersonnel experience.For RM Screenshot gallery, please visit following link.This document describes the installation procedure of Radius Manager billing system on a Linux host using FEDORA 10.For beginners I recommend the usage of Fedora Core 10. Fedora Core isthe easiest and the most comfortable Linux system for RM isntallation(Although I have tested in Ubuntu also, but still FED wins in fewaspects) It comes with all required packages to install and run RadiusManager. The packages are available on the installation media and theyare also down-loadable from the official online repositories using theYum tool.In this document You will also find guidelines on how to set up your NAS (mikrotik) to integrate with Radius Manager system.To successfully install Radius Manager on your host, You have to complete the following steps:1. Install ionCube runtime libraries2.

Build and configure FreeRadius server3. Configure MySQL database and credentials4. Install Radius Manager WEB components5. Install Radius Manager binaries6.

Complete the post installation steps and fine tuningINSTALLATION Prerequisites:To successfully install and run Radius Manager, You need thefollowing components installed on the Linux host, If they are notisntalled already, dont worrry we will install them in next stepSoftware Requirements:. FreeRadius 2.1.8 DMA mod 2 (downloadable from ). PHP 5 or better. MySQL 5 or better. MySQL development libraries.

php-mysql. php-mcrypt.

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curl, php-curl. glibc 2.4 or better.

GNU C/C compiler. IonCube runtime libraries. They are downloadable freely from and. Javascript enabled browser on running on client machinesPreparing the Linux system Fedora 10Install the necessary components on your Linux host before You begin the installation of Radius Manager.1.

Disable SeLinux in /etc/sysconfig/selinux and reboot your host. Yum install make php php-mysql php-mcrypt mysql-devel mysql-server gcc libtool-ltdl Note: This will download and install about 60-70 mb of packages depends on you FED installation. Be patience if you have slow internet connection Installation procedure of ionCube runtime systemRadius Manager requires ionCube runtime libraries. You can download them from:Before installing ionCube, You have to know the following:1. The architecture of your Linux system (32 or 64 bit) (usually 32bit pc is used in most cases, I will use 32bit only as example)2. Which PHP version are You using (use php -v to view version info, hopefully you will get v5.2.9)3. Where is your php.ini file located (On fedora its usually /etc/php.ini)Example ionCube installation1.

First create a temp folder in root. Eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:E8:EC:8A:E86. Now it’s time to request a license for your server. If this is first time, Ask to grant you id passwrod for customer portal.

After getting Id, Log on to DMA Softlab customer’s portal and request a trial license for the hardware address (MAC address) of your network interface card.Radius Manager will run only on the specified host and the license isbinding to the MAC address of the network interface card. You canmigrate Radius Manager to another host if You also move the same networkinterface card with it.It is strongly recommended to request a license for a removablenetworking interface to allow migration to new host without loosing thelicense.7. When a license file is issued (You will get a notification aboutit in email), download and copy the lic.txt and mod.txt to radiusmanagerweb directory (read the “Installation procedure of Radius Manager”chapter of this manual) to enable licensing of your Radius Managerinstallation.Troubleshooting the ionCube loader systemIf encoded files fail to run, you can test ionCube runtime by usingthe helper PHP script ioncubeloader-helper.php, which is included in theloader download archive.1.

Copy the ioncube-encoded-file.php PHP script to your http root (on Redhat-based system it is /var/www/html).2. Try to access the ioncube-encoded-file.php script using your favorite web browser. If You can see the message “This file has been successfullydecoded. IonCube Loaders are correctly installed”, it means You havesuccessfully installed ionCube runtime on your host and it is ready touse. If You can’t decode the file via a HTTP call, check the php.ini andbe sure SeLinux is disabled.Installation procedure of FreeRadiusFollow the installation steps to successfully build, install andconfigure FreeRadius RADIUS server on your host.

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Use only FreeRadius2.1.8 DMA mod 2 source archive (downloadable from our site). It isprepared and tested by our team and it is 100% compatible with RadiusManager.Other versions and builds will not function properly with RadiusManager.

If your host already has a different FreeRadius versioninstalled, remove it completely including it’s configuration files(/etc/raddb or /usr/local/etc/raddb).Execute the following actions as super user (root user):1. Download FreeRadius archive in /temp folder from the following URL: by issuing following command. ExitCompleting this step the databases are ready to use.Installation procedure of Radius ManagerThere are two methods of installation available:1.

Interactive, using the included installer script. (We will focus on this as its easier for newbie)2. Manual installation, using Unix commands. (We will not discuss it as its already briefly described in RM Manual)Interactive installationThe easiest way to install Radius Manager is to use the included script.It is located in Radius Manager tar archive and can be used on Redhat,Debian and (with slight modification of the environment) on othersystems. Before You begin, be sure You have prepared the MySQL databasetables and credentials. Radius Manager requires two databases:1.

RADIUS – for storing all system data, including users and accounting information.2. CONNTRACK – for storing connection tracking system (CTS) data.Create both databases even on a non-CTS enabled system.Now download RM (radiusmanager-3.9.0.tgz) from dma customer portal in /temp folder.

Now decompress the Radius Manager tarball using following command. CTS database password: conn123For the default setup simply press enter and use MySQL user “radius” with password “ radius123” for RADIUS database, and conntrack / conn123 for CONNTRACK database.The host is “ localhost” bydefault. If You have different setup, specify proper values.

If You areplanning to use the system with hundreds of online users, it isrecommended to use separate database host for CONNTRACK database.In the next step You have to define the FreeRadius user. It must be the correct user to set the permission properly on /etc/radiusmanager.cfg. If there are permission problems on /etc/radiusmanager.cfg, Radius Manager binaries will not function at all.Freeradius UNIX user: rootOn Fedora it is root, so simply press enter.Now define the HTTP user (theuser name under Apache is running). It is required to set the permissionon files in radiusmanager/config directory.

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On Fedora it is the apacheuser.Httpd UNIX user: apacheYou can now decide to create rmpoller service or not? It is astandard Fedora / Debian compatible service script which invokesrmpoller helper.

You can also start rmpoller using alternative ways.Create rmpoller service: yIn most cases simply press enter. When a service has been created, You can use the command (on Fedora)service rmpoller start stopto control rmpoller service activity. Also make this service autostarting at boot time together with FreeRadius. Use command chkconfig-add rmpoller on or use Webmin to activate the service at boot time.In the next step select yes if You want to create the rmconntrackservice. It is a standard Linux service, like rmpoller. It is requiredfor Radius Manager CTS only.Create rmconntrack service: yWhen a service has been created, You can use the commandservice rmconntrack start stopto control rmconntrack service activity.

Also make this service auto starting at boot time.It is strongly recommended to create a full database backup before You continue. Answer ‘yes’ to the following question:Back up RADIUS database: yNow the system warns You it will overwrite the existing databases ifYou continue. Press ‘y’ to continue or ‘n’ to abort the installationprocess. 02 0. root /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/radiusmanager/rmscheduler.php 12345Now press ESC button, now press SHIFT+:, now press wqit will save the crontab and exit.12345 is the default password, as it is defined in systemcfg.php.Always specify the full path of the PHP interpreter. If You are notsure, check it’s location before You add the crontab record. Thepassword has to match the predefined one in systemcfg.php.Now download the the license files ( lic.txt and mod.txt) and copy them in in radiusmanager web folder.

WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Down = 262144 Acct-Interim-Interval = 60You have to see Access-Accept answer. If You see an error message, check the following:. Is MySQL server running?. Are MySQL credentials correct?. Are MySQL table permissions correct?. Can FreeRadius connect to MySQL database?.

Have You created the RADIUS and CONNTRACK databases and tables?. Is the NAS defined in ACP? In this case it is NAS-IP-Address = If the hostname is different than localhost, You have to substitutethe localhost with the IP address of the Linux server. You have toupdate the NAS list in RM ACP in this case.Now access the ACP (Administration Control Panel) by pointing your browser to and First add Mikrotik NAS device in ACP.Enter the ip address of Mikrotik.

In Secret, type the secret thatyou will set in Mikrotik RADIUS (See below section / screenshot)Also test the functionality of the User Control Panel (UCP). Password: 1111To be able to log on to UCP as another user, create the user in ACP first.System optimization Tips The performance of the entire Radius Manager system mainly depends onthe speed of the hard disks and the MySQL subsystem. If You encounterperformance problems, check the following:1. Check radacct table size. If it is large ( 300-500 MB),delete the old years from it using the deloldyears.sql script (includedin the RM tar archive in doc directory).2. Add more RAM to the system.

Adding 2-4 GB of RAM doesn’t mean any problem nowadays.3. Use RAID 0 or RAID 5 array MySQL db storage devices.4. Optimize the MySQL server via my.cnf file.keybuffer=1024Mmyisamsortbuffersize=512M sortbuffersize=32MSet keybuffer = RAM size / 2, myisamsortbuffersize = RAM size / 4, sortbuffersize = RAM size / 64.Adding more RAM will drastically speed up the MySQL system. Indexes must be fit in the RAM for optimal performance.NotesBy default, many web servers can listthe contents of the directory where Radius Manager files are stored. Toprevent this there are several methods available:1.

Use.htaccess file. Enable theOptions -Indexes directive In.htaccess file (example file is includedin radiusmanager directory in the installation archive).

Be sure toenable the htaccess support in order to use this feature (setAllowOverride All directive in httpd.conf).2. Disable the directory listing in httpd configuration files.HOWTO REPLACE/MODIFY DMASOFTLAB RM LOGO and TEXT!!! You can Replace/Edit the default DMASOFTLAB logofiles.

By default, Images are available where you have installed theradiusmanager. Look into the images folder of radiusmanager.For example I installed RM in /var/www/html/radiusmanager. Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit=1028,Mikrotik-Rate-Limit=”244”(Where is the MT IP) You have to see similar output tothis. If there is a MySQL socket error, define the correct socketlocation in /etc/radiusmanager.cfg. The default socket file on Redhat is/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock.

On Debian systems the proper socket path is/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock.To successfully test rmauth, You have to create NAS entries in ACP. In this example, the NAS IPYou have to restart FreeRadius every time when You modify the NASdevices. Unfortunately FreeRadius doesn’t read the configuration filesdynamically.ADDITIONAL SETUPStarting daemons at boot timeRadius Manager system supports automatic startup of daemons:radiusd, rmpoller and rmconntrack. The automatic installer copies allthe required scripts to /etc/init.d directory and sets the requiredpermissions on them.The following methods are available to set up automatic service startup:. Use Webmin to start services at boot time or.

Use command chkconfig –add servicename (Fedora only)A chkconfig example follows. Rm-add-pre-paid-cards / Service is ready to be used.HOWTO ADD QUOTA BASE SERVICE IN RM: Now we will Add Quota Base Service Plan. For example User is allowed to use 1GB @ 1mbps per Day, After using his 1 GB Quota, his service plan should auto switch to 256Kbps speed plan for the rest of teh day. We have to use DAILY SERVICE option in RM for this purpose. First create Daily service with 256Kbps limitation, and then create the 1Mbps / 1Gb Daily Quota limit service and use the next dail service option in 1mb service plan to point it to 256k.First we will create 256Kbps service plan. This will be very simple basic plan.Open RM ACP, Goto Services, and create new service, and name it256Mbps – Daily Service, rest of options can be set by seeing the image below.

1mb-1gb-quota-image-3 All Done. Previously on Mikrotik Hotspot we’ve been, today we gonna block specific website based on user profile. Please kindly re-read my previous for for instruction on trapping user address into address list. Since we also use the address list for current post.Our local internet regulation forced us to block specific websites for specific users. Mostly social media and adults website.

Blocking adults website are the most easier task. I’ts applied to all of us, i just need to put the list into squid proxy server. Blocking social media in the other hand are harder then it seems. Since it applied only to specifics user, the rule have to be placed on mikrotik hotspot firewall.The problem is the social media website used multiple ip address and mikrotik hotspot also ignoring mangle rule. That’s mean i have to find all the ip address of the social media website and put all the ip address to firewall address list manually. Yup, not an easy task, a.

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